Выходзіць з 2001 года. Перыядычнасць – 1 раз на год.

Профіль выдання вызначаны спецыфікай дзейнасці архіва. На яго старонках асвятляюцца пытанні па гісторыі, архівазнаўстве, археаграфіі, крыніцазнаўстве і іншых гістарычных дысцыплінах. У навуковы ўжытак уводзяцца новыя крыніцы і факты, публікуюцца дакументы па гісторыі Беларусі Сярэднявечча і Новага часу, агляды архіўных фондаў, вынікі генеалагічных даследаванняў, біяграмы архівістаў, рэцэнзіі на новыя навуковыя выданні.

Матэрыялы зборніка структураваны паводле наступных рубрык:

  • архівазнаўства;
  • генеалогія і геральдыка;
  • гісторыя;
  • забеспячэнне захаванасці і ўлік дакументаў;
  • крыніцазнаўства;
  • мікрагісторыя і гісторыя штодзённасці;
  • навукова-даведачны апарат;
  • постаці архівістаў;
  • публікацыя і археаграфічная апрацоўка архіўных дакументаў;
  • рэцэнзіі.

У адпаведнасці з загадам старшыні Вышэйшай атэстацыйнай камісіі Рэспублікі Беларусь ад 1 лютага 2012 года № 21 «Архіварыус» уключаны ў Пералік навуковых выданняў Рэспублікі Беларусь для апублікавання вынікаў дысертацыйных даследаванняў па гістарычных навуках.


  1. «Archivaryus» publishes scholarly research on branch of history, archival science, theoretical and practical archeography, source studies and related special historical disciplines, and also information materials, reviews and feedbacks of published works.
  2. Editorial Board accepts for reviewing materials that meet the requirements, imposed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus in relation to scholarly articles.
  3. The materials submitted to «Archivaryus» should be new, previously unpublished research results. Authors bear personal responsibility for submitting articles already published and articles accepted for publishing in other journals.
  4. Authors submit, along with their manuscripts, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council, department, unit of the place of their work with a recommendation to publish the article. It is allowed to provide two reviews by professors, who are specialists in the area in which the research was done, instead of the minute extract. Reviews should contain a publication recommendation.
  5. Recommendations are not required for publishing documentary sources, reviews and materials of an informative character.
  6. There is a restriction for publications, the subject of which is directly related to historical events – the upper chronological limit must be November 1918 (the end of the World War I).
  7. A printed copy of an article should be dated and signed by the author and should contain the name, surname, patronymic name, place of work, position held, academic degree, academic ranks, phone numbers for the contact with the editorial staff. An identical electronic copy should accompany a printed one.
  8. The article should be accompanied by 100–150 word summaries, written both in Belarusian, Russian and English. Summaries are placed at the end of the article. Versions in each of the three languages must also contain information about the author (last name, first name, patronymic (the latter only in versions in Belarusian and Russian), scientific degree, place of work and position).
  9. The length of a scholarly article is no less than 14,000 and no more than 25,000 signs. The length of a primary source published is up to 40000 signs. Times New Roman script should be used to write an article. The typeface should be 14-point. Line spacing should be 1.5. The top and bottom margins should be 2 cm, the left margin should be 3 cm, the right margin should be 1.5 cm.
  10. An article should be presented in accordance with Chapter 5 of The Instruction about the edition of a qualified scholarly work (dissertation) for obtaining scientific degrees of philosophy doctor and doctor habilitated, long abstract and publications on the topics of the dissertation, accepted by the resolution of the Highest Attestation Commettee of the Republic of Belarus from 28.02.2014 № 3 (in the edition of the decree of the Higher Attestation Committee 22.08.2022 № 5).

Bibliography should be included at the end of the article and formatted in accordance with the above-mentioned standards of HAC. For example,

1. Глінскі, Я. С. Фальсіфікацыі дакументаў аб дваранстве ў Слуцкім па-
веце Мінскай губерні ў канцы XVIII – першай палове XIX ст. / Я. С. Глін-
скі // Беларускі гістарычны часопіс. – 2018. – No 5. – С. 24–34.

2. Доўнар, А. Б. Сяляне-слугі Беларусі другой паловы XVI – сярэдзіны
XVIII ст. / А. Б. Доўнар. – Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2007. – 193 с.

References to the literature are indicated in the text in square brackets. For example, [1, с. 25–26; 2, с. 117; 3, арк. 78].

In referring to an archival source it is required to indicate the fund name (at the first mention in the list), the whole title of the item, chronological frames and a number of folios. For example,

3. Нацыянальны гістарычны архіў Беларусі. – Ф. 295. Воп. 1.
Спр. 1527. – Справа аб руху паўстанцкіх груп па Барысаўскім павеце.
10.02.1863–04.06.1864. – 121 арк.

In the bibliography items are placed in alphabetical order, with sources written in Cyrillic script first, and then in Latin.

11. The deadline for article submission is 30 June of the current year. After 30 June material can be accepted for publication in the journal in the following year.

12. There is no charge for publishing scholarly articles.

                                                         Editorial Board of «Archivaryus»
                                                         220002, Minsk, Kropotkina Str. 55
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